A good day for corruption

I know, I am not Spanish, and perhaps this subject is very boring for my (mostly British) readers. I am only Spanish by marriage, and through friendships. But rarely have I felt so strongly about a legal injustice as what happened last week in Madrid.  On Thursday night, I was struggling to remember the last… Continue reading A good day for corruption

Categorized as Spain

Camps vs Garzón: an extraordinary inversion of justice

 Carlos Liria, friend of former President Camps, on the hotel balcony minutes before the jury was Imagine a major British political figure, like the Mayor of London or the First Minister of Scotland, in the middle of a political scandal which everyone thought he would go down for. At the last minute a jury finds him not guilty… Continue reading Camps vs Garzón: an extraordinary inversion of justice

Categorized as Europe, Spain

ETA: really the beginning of the end?

In recent days, rather extraordinary news has been breaking about the last remaining home-grown terrorist group in Europe. Yesterday a conference in San Sebastian, involving no lesser figures than Kofi Annan, Bertie Ahern and Gerry Adams, reached out to ETA and it is strongly felt that a positive response is likely. Other notable figures such… Continue reading ETA: really the beginning of the end?