Osborne lays the trap. Enter Labour, not walking but running

The weekend before last, I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the classic kids’ film of my own childhood, with my five year-old for the first time. When the famous “child catcher” scene came on, and the children were being tempted into the evil Kiddy Catcher’s van with sweets and lollipops, it ended with genuine, heartfelt… Continue reading Osborne lays the trap. Enter Labour, not walking but running

News International – the gift to Labour that just keeps on giving

As David Cameron ponders the deeper strategic meaning of Romney’s defeat for his fractious party, in the back of his mind I suspect there is something a little more prosaic distracting him disproportionately from this and the everyday great affairs of state. So, this weekend has revealed a few silly texts between the Prime Minister… Continue reading News International – the gift to Labour that just keeps on giving