Observations on “A Journey” II: school segregation

For those who need a respite from Obama-itis, another in my occasional series of interesting things which have come out of Tony Blair’s A Journey (cue rising hackles for some readers). Well, as it happens, I want to tell you something I disagree with him radically about. So, for those of you who think me a slavish Blairite, sorry… Continue reading Observations on “A Journey” II: school segregation

So, the alternative to Cameron’s vision: we’re offering what, exactly?

David Cameron has many failings, but he is patently not a racist.  There may just remain a few old Powellites in his party rank and file but largely, whether we like it or not, accusations of latent racism no longer dog the Tories.  And it may just be, paradoxically, Cameron’s Saturday speech was more of… Continue reading So, the alternative to Cameron’s vision: we’re offering what, exactly?