Revamping Labour’s union ties could help Ed Miliband

Rather chuffed to be able to announce that my teaser piece on the forthcoming pamphlet by the Labour Uncut gang, of which I have written a chapter, yesterday was the subject of the lead front page story in the Independent by Andrew Grice.

You can see the full analysis with data at Labour Uncut here and the pamphlet will be launched in two weeks on the Monday of Party Conference in Brighton.

The thrust of the piece is that we have done a bunch of polling done to support the proposals in this pamphlet, including some on a sample of trade union members.

The rather explosive conclusion is that the majority of members in Labour-affilated unions actually agree with Miliband’s proposed reforms to their links with Labour, despite some of their leaders’ attempts to argue a diametrically opposed position.

Watch this space over the next couple of weeks for more…