What a year it’s been

Ok, apart from politically, that is (er, we lost a general election and things are looking a bit ropey for Labour right now). But momentous it certainly has been.

And sorry for giving you 2 posts in 24 hours but, in marked contrast, at The Centre Left – and we don’t like to crow – things seem to have gone…rather well. Here, in case you missed them, are the guest posts we got going on the main Labour sites:

Labour Uncut: (from last night)
Left Foot Forward:

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you so much, dear readers, for your support during 2010 (and some of you even before that). We will be continuing to observe, comment and generally get things off our chest at The Centre Left during 2011.
Merry Xmas and here’s to a better year for Labour.


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