So, farewell then, progressive majority

Feel a tad vindicated today.  You may remember that back in January the Centre Left first blogged about the so-called “progressive majority” which Ed had made the centrepiece of a Guardian article and a speech to the Fabians. We had (somewhat controversially) asserted that it didn’t actually exist, and that we should concentrate our fire… Continue reading So, farewell then, progressive majority

Demo good, media bad?

There is surely no need to add to the articles Saturday’s demo dissecting the actions of UK Uncut and the black bloc, although it seems uncertain whether these groups were not, in the end, a sideshow to the principal lessons from it all. Perhaps trickier to explain was the laying of any remaining blame, as… Continue reading Demo good, media bad?

Tax: it’s the politics, stupid

Not content with the questionable strategy – not to mention thoughtful gift to David Cameron – of our insisting on the extension of 50% tax band indefinitely, Ed Balls has now indicated in a Progress interview that he is thinking about implementing one of his leadership campaign planks as well, and lowering the threshold of the band. Now, I have no doubt… Continue reading Tax: it’s the politics, stupid

Labour must speak not only for organised labour

As predictable headlines follow Ed Miliband committing to speak at the TUC rally on March 26th, it’s useful to take a more detached look at how the relationships between Party, movement and workplace demographics interact. Let’s not be daft – no-one sensible is saying that Labour is “in the pocket of the unions”; however, it is not a particularly wild claim that… Continue reading Labour must speak not only for organised labour